Native camp(ネイティブキャンプ)での英会話講師はおススメの副業です。


このブログで何度か紹介しているNative camp ネイティブキャンプ (月額6,480円 レッスン回数無制限) の英語講師を1ヵ月やってみた感想を書かせて頂きます。



  ・TOEIC®TEST 750点以上 




現時点の英語力にも拠りますが、750点ならば半年ほど気合入れて勉強すれば取れる点数だと思います。 私が400点~835点まで上げた経緯はこちらにまとめていますので、参考までにご覧ください。


 Native camp の英語講師エントリーはこちら




講師の評価やグレード次第で多少は上がるようですが、はじめはこの位です。 グレードよりも為替の影響が大きいと感じています。


 職業もバラバラで主婦の方、お医者さん、海外を飛び回っているジャーナリスト、大学の教授を引退した投資家の方、旦那さんの駐在で同行しているマレーシア在住者、シンガポール在住者、アメリカに駐在中の日本人の方 等々特に海外在住の方とはその地域のお話を聞けるのでとても興味深いですし、参考になります。 話が盛り上がり過ぎて、つい日本語でお互いに話してしまうことも多々あります(笑)


講師の管理画面上のinquiry から問い合わせれば、費用請求の手順の案内が送られて来ますので、その手順に従えばお支払い頂けます。


※給与はpayoneer というプラットフォーム上での支払いとなりますので、こちらへの登録が必須となります。登録自体は簡単ですぐにできると思います。 ここから各人の銀行口座へ送金する形で受け取ることが出来ます。

こちらは私は未だトライしていませんが、講師として登録すれば生徒さんとしてNative camp ネイティブキャンプ に参加した際の月額6,480円が免除となるらしいです、ただし条件があるようですので、そちらは確認してみてください。

以上、Native camp の講師をはじめてみて1ヵ月ちょっとの感想でした。 


Native campネイティブキャンプについて詳しくは以下をクリック

English conversation teacher at Native camp is a recommended side job.

I have introduced it several times on this blog, and I would like to write about my impressions after working as an English teacher at Native camp for a month.

In conclusion, I think it’s a very recommended side job.

Reason for recommendation
① Low hurdles to become an English teacher
If you have a TOEIC score of 750, you are eligible to apply to become a lecturer.

Those who meet at least one of the following conditions are eligible to apply
・TOEIC®TEST score of 750 or higher 
・ Eiken Level Pre-1 or above
・More than 1 year of overseas experience
・More than 1 year experience as an English teacher

I think the lowest hurdle is a TOEIC score of 750.
 It depends on your current English ability, but I think 750 points is a score you can get if you study hard for about half a year.
“Here is a summary of how I raised my score from 400 to 835 points, so please take a look at it for your reference.”

However, we do not require proof of scores, etc., so you may be able to apply by self-declaration, but if you receive money
“If you’re going to teach people, let’s enter after exceeding the standards!”

Click here for native camp English instructor entry

After entering the basic personal information, etc.
“English grammar test, conversely, there are no more hurdles as long as you pass this.”
The format and contents of this test were similar to TOEIC Part 5, did you just take it from the workbook?
The more frequent TOEIC questions caught my eye, but the time limit was more relaxed than TOEIC, so I had the impression that I had time to think carefully. . 
There are 40 questions in total, and it seems that 80% or more of them pass, but there is no clear cut line. 
I had a 39/40 correct answer rate, so I had some leeway. If I had the English ability to get a TOEIC score of 750, I would probably be able to pass 80% of the tests.
*However, there is a caveat here: once you fail this grammar test, you must wait 6 months before taking it again.
  You cannot retake the exam. “Therefore, we recommend that you take the exam after thoroughly preparing for Part 5.”
If you fail, the next chance will be after 6 months. . . .

If you can clear this, all you have to do is check the communication environment, take a formal mock class, enter your profile, etc., so there is no particular problem.

Reason for recommendation
② You can earn money while studying.
This may be the best advantage. Usually, you pay for lessons, but if you become a teacher, you can teach English while receiving money, so you can study and practice enough.
As for the most important salary, in the case of regular lessons without a reservation, payment is in US dollars, so at the current exchange rate (140 to 145 yen to the dollar), the hourly wage is about 850 to 900 yen.
One class can take up to 25 minutes, so that’s about 60 minutes.
It seems that it will go up a little depending on the instructor’s evaluation and grade, but this is the beginning. I feel that the exchange rate has a greater impact than the grade.
It may be about the same as a part-time job in high school, but if you think that you can enjoy studying part-time at home in your spare time, I think it’s a pretty good job.

In the case of a reserved lesson, it costs about 800 yen for 1 frame (25 minutes), so is the hourly wage around 1700-1800?
However, reservation lessons are not easily booked, I am still inexperienced. . . . This can be difficult unless you are a professional teacher.

④ It’s fun to talk with various people, and I learn a lot.
Since I am mainly in charge of free-talk classes (each person can set this up individually), there are many people who want to get used to English while chatting rather than studying, so I can talk to various people.
Most of the instructors are Filipino, and Japanese instructors are rare, so lessons start immediately and many of the students are Japanese.
“So far, 80-90% of the students are Japanese.” Many of the students from overseas are children.
 The occupations are all different: housewives, doctors, journalists traveling abroad, retired university professors, investors, Malaysians accompanying their husbands while they are stationed, Singaporeans,
Japanese people stationed in the United States, etc.
 It’s very interesting and helpful to hear stories about the area, especially from people living overseas. “There are many times when the conversation gets too lively and we end up talking to each other in Japanese (laughs).”

Reason for recommendation
③ Support for purchasing earphones, microphones, web cameras, etc.
 Earphone microphone upper limit is 3,900 yen, web camera is 1800 yen? There is about purchase support.
If you submit the receipt for the purchase, the cost will be transferred together with the first salary payment.
“I used this system and purchased a headset on Amazon.”

If you inquire from the inquiry on the instructor’s management screen, you will be sent instructions on how to claim the fee, so you can pay by following the procedure.

“There are two payments each month.”
(1) Payment on the 15th and payment on the 25th
(2) Payment at the end of the month on the 10th of the following month

  • Payment will be made when the salary exceeds 30 dollars, so the amount less than 30 dollars will be carried over to the next time, and will be paid when it exceeds 30 dollars together with the carry-over amount.
    *Salaries will be paid on the payoneer platform, so registration here is required.
    I think the registration itself is easy and quick. From here, you can receive the money in the form of remittance to each person’s bank account.
    Also, since the minimum remittance amount for payoneer is set at $50, you will be able to receive it in your bank account only after earning at least $50 (a little over 7000 yen at today’s exchange rate).

“So, once you start, you won’t be able to get a salary unless you earn at least $50, so please do your best until then.”

These are my impressions after being a native camp instructor for a little over a month. 
So far, I feel that it is not difficult to earn 10,000 yen per month as a side job.
Of course, it’s impossible to get rich quick here, FIRE, but above all, I feel that it’s a recommended side job in the sense that I can study English, have fun chatting, and receive pocket money.

I would like to update it regularly in the future, then

See below for more information about Native camp

